1. Place all ingredients in mixing bowl, mix into a well develop dough.
2. Cover and rest dough for 10 minutes.
3. Sheet dough to 6 mm in thickness, place onto the work table.
4. Using a rolling pin roll to 6 mm in thickness, cover the dough with plastic sheet for dough recovery,rest a further 10 minutes.
5. Using a doughnut cutter of diameter 7.5 mm, cut to approximate 25-27 g each.
6. Place onto a tray lined with plastic sheet.
7. Prove for 40 minutes, set temperature at 38°C and 75% humidity.
8. Remove from prover and dry for 20 minutes
9. Fry at 180°C in oil 60 seconds for first side and 60 seconds for the other side.
10. When slightly cool, coat with Bakels Chocolate Buttons and serve.